Maximum Result H7

You Have Questions…
We Have Answers!

After speaking with literally thousands of satisfied customers over the past 16 years, we field certain questions more often than others, so to better serve you, we've developed answers to those frequently asked questions to help you make a thorough and educated decision about your purchase.

This Frequently Asked Questions page is created to be easy to navigate, with clickable questions and categories that lead you straight to the answer.

Product Characteristics:
Ingredients, Usage, Supply & Taste

Product Safety Issues, Side effects, Use with Medications, Drugs or Medical conditions

Benefits and When to Expect Results

Product Characteristics:
Ingredients, Usage, Supply & Taste

Maximum Result H7 Complex formula contains the following natural ingredients:

  • Arnica
  • Carduus Marianus
  • Hepar Suis
  • Hypophysis Suis
  • Panax Ginseng
  • Phosphoricum Acidum

Are you interested in reading more about the specific ingredients in the Maximum Result H7 Complex product and their respective health benefits? Just CLICK HERE!

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Our formula and its delivery system is the simplest and most convenient product you will ever take. You can just take 2 sprays under the tongue - 3 times per day. Our recommendation is that you complete one dost right when you wake up, then in the afternoon, and finally right before bed. This will provide a consistent and steady stream of our formula throughout the day. We also provide clear directions with your order to make things easier.

Every one of our bottles offers a full 30 day supply when taken as directed. Combined with our "Buy 2 Get 1 FREE" Internet Special, you receive a full 3 month supply for the price of 2 months!

Maximum Result H7 Complex has basically no taste, and we do not include artificial additives or flavorings since it could impact the effectiveness of the product. When a product works as dramatically as ours, we would never add any natural or synthetic ingredients to alter it. Finally, we have never received a returned product because of the way it tastes.

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Comparing Maximum Result H7 Complex Formula with Other Anti-Aging Products

There are 7 reasons why H7 is your #1 Anti-Aging option. CLICK HERE to find out more.

Maybe instead you'd like to read the success stories of our valued customers as well as the professional opinions of many anti-aging medical professionals...CLICK HERE!

Product Safety Issues, Side Effects, Use with Medications, Drugs or Medical Conditions

Our product is incredibly safe, as homeopathy has a very established history of safety (especially with the ability to take with other natural supplements). We've been selling our formula for over 12 years and have never received any concerns or complaints of adverse side effects.

Since our formula is homeopathic, there are simply no side effects. The science of homeopathy has a 200 year history of safety. Furthermore, our product does not include any central nervous system stimulants such as ephedrine, caffeine, ma huang, etc.

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Our product is homeopathic, which has a very long history of proven safety and effectiveness, and is also backed by our money back guarantee so you can feel confident ordering the product to share with your doctor if there are any concerns. We always advise our customers to consult with their physician if they have any pre-existing conditions or drug interaction concerns.

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Benefits and Timing/Expectation of Results

Our best answer is anywhere from 1 day to 2 months…it really differs from person to person. We receive emails from customers the day after they receive the formula telling us they had their best night's sleep in over a decade with fantastic energy levels throughout the day. Other customers take a month or two before they really start to experience the fantastic benefits. Since each person is different and our clients range from young adults in their 20's to retired folks in their 80's, each person's experience is a bit different.

We continually hear the following benefits from our customers:

  • Decreased Bodyfat
  • Increased Muscle Tone
  • Improved Strength
  • Improved Skin Texture
  • Improved Skin Tone & Elasticity
  • Enhanced Sex Drive & Performance
  • More Energy
  • Better Sleep

Still have questions? Please feel free to email us at [email protected]

  • Scientifically Proven, 93% Effectiveness Rate
  • Pharmaceutical Grade Ingredients
  • 90-Day Money Back Guarantee
  • Safe and Easy to Use
  • Over 12 Years on the Market
  • Manufactured Exclusively in the United States


While Many Companies Tell You That They Have the Best Anti-Aging Product on the Market, We'd Rather Let the Experts Do Our Talking For Us...

Dr. Michelle, D.C. -- 20 Years Experience with Natural Products

"I see over 200 patients a week and am frequently asked about anti-aging options, which lead me to complete extensive research. I found that the cutting edge formulation of the Maximum Result H7 Complex formula is unequaled by any natural product I have ever seen. It's outstanding scientific formula safely maximizes anti-aging benefits.

The Maximum Result H7 Complex formula is the only anti-aging, weight loss, and sexual enhancement products in my practice. You will not find a better product or company more committed to excellence."

Karin Distefano -- Writer and Editor, "Good Housekeeping," "Fit," "Woman's Day," and "Health for Women"

"I was at a weight loss plateau about 4 months ago, so my doctor recommended the Maximum Result H7 Complex formula as the best natural product on the market. I've dropped 20 pounds and gone from a size 12 to a size 6. My body looks more toned and sculpted and my skin looked younger and smoother almost immediately."

Doctors Choice HGH

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at Over $250!

  • Scientifically Proven, 93% Effectiveness Rate
  • Pharmaceutical Grade Ingredients
  • 90-Day Money Back Guarantee
  • Safe and Easy to Use
  • Over 12 Years on the Market
  • Manufactured Exclusively in the United States


Erik Bui -- National USA Bodybuilding Champion, Personal Trainer and Nutritional Fitness Consultant

"I have degrees in both biology and chemistry and have worked with clients for over 10 years as a top personal trainer. I've used a lot of products, but none have worked as effectively as the Maximum Result H7 Complex formula. This is, by far, the best product I've found to get into great shape, lose bodyfat, and tone up….fast.

I feel like it has helped melt my bodyfat especially from my midsection, and I am leaner now than I've ever been in my life."

Doctors Choice HGH

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at Over $250!

  • Scientifically Proven, 93% Effectiveness Rate
  • Pharmaceutical Grade Ingredients
  • 90-Day Money Back Guarantee
  • Safe and Easy to Use
  • Over 12 Years on the Market
  • Manufactured Exclusively in the United States


Sandra Ranalli -- Critical Care Unit Registered Nurse, UCLA Medical Center

"I often work the night shift and I have to be alert for my patients in the critical care unit. I've tried numerous energy boosting products, but they gave me a quick boost of energy followed by a 'crash.' The Maximum Result H7 Complex formula has given me a great, consistent energy boost. No jitters, no crash afterwards and I sleep soundly and feel great when I wake up. I do not believe there is a better product available in the marketplace and I can't imagine my life without it."

Doctors Choice HGH

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